
Judodata Terms



Percentage Ratio between attacks carried out and points scored, regardless of the kind of score (Ippon or Waza Hari).

Efficacy - Athlete Efficacy

The overall Efficacy index of an Athlete, calculated on all his analyzed competitions.

Efficacy - Competition Efficacy

The competition average Efficacy Index, calculated from the efficacies of all the Athletes participating in a specific competition.

Efficacy - In Competition Efficacy

The Efficacy Index of the athlete achieved in a specific competition.


Something that happened during a Contest (eg an attack, a penalty, the Hajime that determines the start of a segment, the awarding of the victory).

Level Bracket

Levels of Athletes grouping, derived from their position in the Performance Ranking List.

Level Bracket - International (High Level)

Group of Athletes positioned from the 16th to the 40th place of the Peformance Ranking List.

Level Bracket - Normal Level

Group of Athletes positioned from the 40th place onwards of the Peformance Ranking List.

Level Bracket - Super Top Player

Group of Athletes positioned from the 1st to the 5th place of the Peformance Ranking List.

Level Bracket - Top Player

Group of Athletes positioned from the 6th to the 15th place of the Peformance Ranking List.

Nage Waza

Techniques not coded in the Kodokan Standard nomenclature.

Nage waza - Eri seoi nage

Particular kind of the Seoi Nage technique.

Nage waza - Eri Seoi Otoshi/Morote Seoi Otoshi

Particular kind of the Seoi Otoshi technique.

Nage waza - Gaeshi

Name used to define the techniques: Uchi Mata Gaeshi, Harai Goshi Gaeshi and Hane Goshi Gaeshi.

Nage waza- Gyaku Seoi Otoshi

Particular form of the Kodokan Seoi Otoshi technique, where Tori rotates in the opposite direction and xternally compared to a normal Seoi Otoshi.

Nage waza - Ippon Seoi Otoshi

Particular kind of the Seoi Otoshi technique.

Nage waza - Ko Uchi Makikomi

Particular kind of the Ko Uchi Gari.

Nage waza- Morote Seoi Nage

Particular kind of the Seoi Nage technique

Nage Waza - Morote Seoi Otoshi

Particular kind of the Seoi Otoshi technique.

Nage Waza - Sode tsuri Seoi Otoshi

Particular form of the Seoi Otoshi technique where Tori maintains a grip shape as for Sode Tsurikomi Goshi

Nage waza - Yoko Tomoe Nage

Particular kind of the Tomoe Nage.

Ne waza

Techniques that deviate from the Kodocan Standard nomenclature.

Ne waza - Mune Gatame

Particular form of the Yoko Shiho Gatame technique where Tori only controls the Uke chest.

Ne waza - Okuri Eri Jigoku Jime

Particular kind of the Okuri Eri Jime.

Ne waza - Sankaku Tate Shiho Gatame

Particular form of the Tate Shiho Gatame technique where Tori controls Uke’s head and shoulder by closing his legs like for Sankaku Jime.

Outcome - Fusen-gachi

Victory due to the opponent’s withdrawal during the course of the contest.

Outcome - Hansoku-gachi

Victory by disqualification of the opponent (direct or by sum of penalties).

Outcome - Ippon-gachi

Victory by K.O. (direct Ippon or by sum of two Waza Hari).

Outcome - Kiken-gachi

Victory due forfeit or no show of the opponent (does not appear on the mat).

Outcome - Sogo-gachi

Victory for score difference.

Performance Ranking List

Unofficial ranking list that takes into account the value of the WRL to which the values of the main performance indexes of each athlete are added. – ARTICLE LINK

PRL - Country Performance Ranking List

Average Value of the PRL of all the athletes of a specific country.


Time fraction of the contest. It’s delimited by two Hajime and includes an active combat phase (from Hajime to the Matte) and a rest phase (from Matte to the next Hajime).